Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Employee Experience

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Employee Experience

Published on: November 21, 2019 

As companies push for greater retention, increased revenue and higher return on investment, the focus on the employee becomes even more crucial. The most successful organizations recognize that excellent products and solutions begin with an excellent employee experience.

While stats give us a good insight on the general pulse on employee experience, it is our action that drives the value we want to see.

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Studies have consistently shown that improving the employee experience adds value to every part of the business. So how are companies currently performing in this area? Check out the top challenges companies are facing and the initiatives they are rolling out to address employee experience in these statistics:


1. An uneven playing field for learning and onboarding

  • 53% of HR professionals say employee engagement rises when onboarding is improved (SilkRoad)
  • 49% of employers don’t have a plan to cultivate the skills needed in a workplace populated by both humans and machines (Deloitte Human Capital Trends)
  • 60% of organizations say that they are not effective in letting people manage their own careers (Deloitte Human Capital Trends)

2. Making leaders more engaged and engaging

  • Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their companies than their less engaged counterparts (Corporate Leadership Council)
  • Leaders who collaborate more with their teams are 34% more likely to expect 10% growth or more than leaders who work independently (Deloitte Human Capital Trends)
  • 75% of employees who voluntarily leave jobs quit their bosses, not their jobs (Roger Herman)

3. Digital transformation

  • Despite 78% of companies believing in the importance of digital and transformational leadership, only 5% have strong digital leadership development programs currently in place (Deloitte Human Capital Trends)
  • 75% of job seekers believe that companies whose C-Suite executives and leadership team use social media to communicate about their core mission, brand values and purpose are more trustworthy (Glassdoor)
  • 80% of the global workforce is now deskless (Workplace for Facebook)


1. Go beyond gut feeling

  • 80% of talent acquisition managers believe that employer branding has a significant impact on the ability to hire great talent (LinkedIn)
  • 60% of recruiters believe culture fit is of the highest importance when making a decision whether to hire or not (Jobvite)
  • 76% of the productivity and contribution of an employee will be determined by their level of cognitive ability (Talegent)
  • 73% of organizations indicate enhancing the candidate experience through objective assessments as their top priority (Talegent)

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate

  • Only 40% of the workforce reports knowing their company’s goals, strategies, and tactics (Bain)
  • 69% of C-level executives say transparency in internal communications is critical to their mission and vision (Workplace from Facebook)
  • When employees are more connected and in-the-know, organizations can increase revenue per customer by 10% (Workplace from Facebook)

3. Deliver on your employer brand promise

  • 93% of organizations have established their employee value propositions (TalentView)
  • 75% of job candidates research about the company prior to applying (Rethink Recruitment)
  • 78% of job candidates say the overall candidate experience they get is an indicator of how a company values its people. (Talent Adore)
  • Employee voice is 3x more credible than the CEO’s when it comes to talking about working conditions in that company. (Edelman Trust Barometer)

TalentView is a leading employer branding firm with a mission of elevating human capital standards across the ASEAN region. Working directly with business leaders in Fortune 1000 companies,TalentView’s solutions help create and maintain exceptional experiences to attract, engage and retain their talent. Partnering with key global players including Workplace from Meta, The Bot Platform, Talegent, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Hootsuite.

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