Trend 01:

Think before
you click

Majority of talents these days jump into job applications without checking on a company’s background first.

Trend 02:

Coming full circle

Year after year, more talents are leaning towards working in the office. After experimenting various work setups, it seems like face-to-face work is becoming the popular choice once again.

Trend 03:

Disrupt or
be disrupted

There are mixed opinions about using AI at work, with most feeling pretty neutral about it. Since AI is relatively new, organizations are still trying to figure out how to incorporate it in their daily tasks and tap into its full potential.

Trend 04:

Change is
the only constant

At present, talents’ highest priorities lie in an organization’s growth and development opportunities followed by their leadership initiatives and a positive work culture.

Trend 05:

Tying loose ends
of talent retention

While many are happy, talents feel that they can achieve more. So while they stay in their current organizations, they are also constantly in the lookout for other opportunities.

Trend 01:

Think before you click

Top Online Channels for Talents


Are you where your target talents are?


Boost awareness by conveying the right message using the right platforms.

Trend 02:

Coming full circle


Are you taking into account your employees' current conditions and preferences?


Check in on your employees and provide support to optimize their productivity.

Trend 03:

Disrupt or be disrupted


How do you utilize Ai in your organization’s processes and practices?


Evaluate your internal workflows to find opportunities for incorporating AI to boost productivity.

Trend 04:

Change is the only constant

Top Preferred Attributes for Talents


Are you keeping up with the evolution of talent preferences?


Focus on building programs around what your target talents are looking for.

Trend 05:

Tying loose ends of
talent retention

Top Employer Branding Metrics


What strategies are you taking to engage and retain your talents?


Strengthen retention efforts by reassessing key employee touchpoints.

Be a part of our research pool for the
2024 Employer Brand Strength Report.

TalentView is a leading employer branding firm with a mission of elevating human capital standards across the ASEAN region. Working directly with business leaders in Fortune 1000 companies,TalentView’s solutions help create and maintain exceptional experiences to attract, engage and retain their talent. Partnering with key global players including Workplace from Meta, The Bot Platform, Talegent, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Hootsuite.