5Es Model: Reinventing Learning Programs in the Post-pandemic

5Es Model: Reinventing Learning Programs in the Post-pandemic

The COVID-19 aftermath calls for changing how learning programs are utilized in the workplace. Industry leaders and experts observed that the 70-20-10 Learning Model, also known as the 3Es Model, focused more on Learning & Development. While the framework helped organizations reach their L&D goals, studies show that there are other factors to consider such as "Environment" (learning in a safe space) and "Existence" or "Self" (learning by leading yourself) - both of which are intrinsic motivators that drive performance. 


The 5Es Model of Learning

Given that mental wellness and leading oneself are essential to an employee’s performance, transitional learning (Environment and Existence) is now embedded in immediate learning (Experience, Education, Exposure) which is based on the research of Deloitte. The 3Es in the 70-20-10 Learning Model is attainable if you reinforce the concept of personhood - the ability to lead with significance and embrace individuality. 

Thus, addressing Environment and Existence first as cut-across components is necessary to accomplish one's Individual Development Plan (IDP) against KPIs. Managers can now build their teams by prioritizing these basic needs.

1. Experience - learning by doing (70%)

2. Exposure - learning from and with others (20%)

3. Education - learning through structured coursework (10%)

4. Environment - learning in a safe space*

5. Existence - learning by leading yourself*

Environment and Existence are foundational to learning. Environment helps employees perform their job successfully by providing the tools and systems that can support them. This learning component can vary from project management, automation tools, and even social support systems (e.g., informational, emotional, instrumental, etc.), and many more. On the other hand, Existence covers self-awareness and the desire to lead. Employees have to look out for biases/preconceived notions, perceptions, and weaknesses. They must learn to reframe their mindset to be fully immersed in a flow - a positive state of tranquility and productivity. This kind of energy will enable self-efficacy and collective achievement.

Here are the best practices of the 5Es Model of learning recommended for you to thrive as an organization.

Lead career conversations from a curious perspective.

Brainstorming sessions, an example of career conversations, can be maximized to guide employees' quarterly goals. They discuss plans with their line managers, keeping in mind that nothing can be set in stone. It is an activity meant for knowledge-sharing, hopefully achieving a more concrete goal in the next steps. Performance appraisals are designed to elicit authentic and transparent feedback from the direct report. A neutral mindset encourages the member to share freely, knowing that there is no judgment or criticism for speaking up. The direct reports are receptive, and both parties reach a win-win solution for their Individual Development Plan (IDP). 

Strategic planning is also facilitated with inclusion as one of its objectives. Providing recommendations on process improvements led to other towers adopting best practices and even new projects on which the team can share their expertise. Relationships among colleagues are strengthened, facilitating better coaching and mentoring on the supervisor's end and enriching time for the direct report. The experience, in turn, becomes fulfilling and worthwhile.  

AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with the Leadership Team promoted a safe space - an avenue where the organization members can ask questions aside from work. Employees can witness vulnerability and transparency, which motivates them to strive to be 1% better every day. Initiatives like taking self-directed learning on preferred courses, training, and webinars to build their skillset and expertise were proven to boost actual performance.

Set personal boundaries to allow self-reflection and focus on tasks.

Freedom Fridays are intentionally practiced among teams to allow self-care activities (mindfulness, journaling, self-reflection, etc.) and catch up on deliverables. Internal and external meetings are discouraged from 7-1 PM. Employees can even share tips on how they plan to spend the first half of the day building healthy habits on work-life integration.

The Wellness Project is another initiative that aims to offer mental wealth services: change management workshops, wellbeing sessions with professional experts, tips on a digital detox, and motivation prompts. The organization acknowledges that client requests are knocking at their door, and some tasks can be taxing. 

Check-ins are carried out in team meetings, designed for everyone to share anything under the sun and their “aha” moments aside from meeting KPIs. This action plan allows catharsis to occur, wherein strategies on emotional intelligence feed their minds, and sharing burdens alleviates stress.

Learning sessions such as bite-sized learning or nuggets of wisdom on project management make the team more efficient, leading to a shorter turnaround time for project closing.

Treat your colleagues as humans to build healthy group dynamics.

Departments build healthy relationships among their members by having engagement activities like karaoke or game hangouts as an avenue for relaxing and getting to know each other's interests and hobbies. Music and play have been the universal language of rest for the team. Also, catch-up sessions were found to break communication barriers and solidify friendships within the group. Sharing of testimonies and life experiences allowed them to identify the kind of support needed.

Some organizations established interest-based groups among the members. Employees can choose clubs in terms of leisure. Everyone is encouraged to share artwork, covers, pet care tips, and many more - knowing that being in a community with the same passion fuels creativity and fosters balance in work.

Due to trust among colleagues, more vital collaboration improves productivity rate. Employees take ownership of their development. As a result, self-leadership or leading yourself (Existence) is reinforced (a core skill in itself) as something to be always cultivated. They know that staying motivated and accountable for their actions will drive results. Most significantly, they know that leading themselves will inspire others to lead and create more opportunities for them. Members believe that fulfillment comes in creating impact, and making a difference will help propel the organization forward.

The repercussions of the pandemic taught us to be flexible to sudden changes in the market landscape. Thus, a disruption in the system comes with ever-increasing demands. The 3Es model is obsolete, and it is time to rethink learning initiatives to adapt to work's remote setup and agile nature. 

Learning programs should take into consideration the well-being and willingness of an employee. Harvard Business Review shared that creating psychological safety and establishing self-awareness in the workplace can future-proof an organization when it faces times of uncertainty, and it can also make it on par with other industries pursuing innovation. 

Employee experience is crucial because it dictates consumption and stewardship. Measures of a company's success are reflected in your employees. After all, the business will grow when it is aligned with the career drivers of its people, the most valuable asset.


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